One more run through Southie, and this time a short one, on Wednesday. I admit that this reason was conducted for a sole reason--reconnaissance. After the last, somewhat long blog post, my mother mentioned she'd have like to see the art I mentioned. Here it is, ma mere...plus one other lovely sight I happened across (below art).

Yesterday, Saturday, a long and shambling, rolling run, filled with the always good conversation found with Alison Ruhlmann...with an assortment of things filling our mutual summer weekends and weeknights, tandem runs have been few and far between. This Ponkapoag 8+ miles through lush, still damp, wooded trails, was just what I needed--what both of us needed, I think. It also reminded me that I need new running shoes--oh, so sweet, to think of new kicks.
Six hours and two carloads of moving later, I finally hit the shower, revolted by my own well-aged funk. Half a pepperoni pizza, 3.5 beers, a surprisingly good movie (Hancock), and 10 hours of sleep later, I woke up ready to rock.
But...the previous tenant of our apartment is only now able to move the last of his things (it's 5:02 p.m.), and both Jared and I are chomping at the bit--a feeling made all the worse after a lazy day of shopping to pick up the last of the things we needed--a 12 x 18" frame, a Swiffer, and a Dave Matthews DVD...
Aargh. Moving.
1 comment:
I like the van. That would make a nice christmas present for someone we know and love.It does come fully equipped doesn,t it?
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