Saturday dawned with a torrential downpour, and no miles for me. A still sore knee, and at this point, I had started to...fret. Maybe not panic, but...fret. In a moment of pity, Jared promised me earlier in the week to do some miles with me over the weekend. Sunday rolled around, and LO! 'TWAS A CLEAR AND SUNNY DAY! The fates were with us. We headed out from the scene of many a crime (note the ongoing mystery of my missing jump shot), the CAC.*
The first mile seemed grim, with me paying strict attention to the angry scrape inside that cursed left knee. Some reassurance from my chipper (damn you, anyway) running partner, and we continued on our merry way, with me pleasantly surprised at the loosening up after a few miles. Total distance-ish=4.5ish, at what I thought was a respectable pace.
Bonus points (sometimes I award them to myself) for having talked aforementioned running buddy into potentially running a half marathon. As Kate says, never agree to run a race while you're running on a beautiful day along the river....muahahahahahaha...or as Jared says, perhaps we could do a biathlon, as long as it doesn't involve biking or swimming.
*Note: This gym is also where I've made many a poor decision to play basketball after a long run. See Derry entry for reference.
1 comment:
First of all, you made my day with all the flattery. You know I am never too proud to take a compliment!!
Second, you know the class is awesome and I expect to see you there more in the future!
Third, I'm so utterly glad the 5 miles on Sunday went well, both for your knee and for your soul.
Also, congrats on finding a new running buddy, though he best know I will be reclaiming my rightful place at your side as soon as the marathon is over and we are on to training for other races :) All kidding aside, I can't wait for all the long, short and in-between races together, with or without other buddies.
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