Nothing much to say about this run--Caitlin and I ran an out-and-back 10 miles, starting near her apartment in Beacon Hill, heading down Comm Ave, and turning around 5 miles and some change down. A few moderate hills, but nothing like last week's run, and nothing like what I suspect next week's Derry race to hold...
The rest of my day holds a nap and a birthday party. I heart long weekends...
1 comment:
Dear Abby (that's just funny),
I'm so proud of your progress and huge goal of running the Boston. Who are we kidding? I'm incredibly jealous :)
Blue toenails are normal. So is chaffing.
My only advice that I'll dish out for your first marathon is this: Drink lots of water and some gatorade/powerade!!!!! (Extra exclamation points necessary).
Love - Michelle Nyhus
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